Thursday 18 June 2015

Dumfries & Lower Nithsdale Activities - June 2015

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Friday 12 June 2015

Joan Stroud
Senior Tai Chi Volunteer

"Hi my name is Joan and I have been involved with the Tai Chi for about 6 years, as a student and as a volunteer.  I now lead my own class for the Project.  It has been of enormous value to me and I can strongly recommend it to others"


If you want to get fit in a gentle way,
And you’re looking for something to do today,
If you want to relax mind, body and soul,
To do Tai Chi should be your goal.

If you want great balance and low BP,
Tai Chi is where you need to be.
Strong muscles and flexible joints for you,
Tai Chi is what you need to do.

Whatever health problems you have to bear,
At your own level, it will get you there.
You don’t need to be super-fit you know,
So come along and give it a go.

Our classes are made especially for those
Who need to get up and on their toes,
To help with their various aches and pain,
We can have fun in the sun and the rain.

If you want to come new friends to make,
At the North West it’s a piece of cake.
And however hard your life may be
You will get help from doing Tai Chi.

To help each other is our aim,
So Tai Chi is the name of the game,
And if you really take to it,
It will make you strong and fit.

When you are getting pretty good,
And doing the Tai Chi as you should,
BHC will train you how to run
A class of your own, now that is fun.
So if you’re looking for somewhere to be,
Just come along and try Tai Chi,
It is a really great thing to do,
And we are here waiting to welcome you!


Tai Chi for Health & Well-being

You could almost hear a pin drop

BHC in Dumfries & Lower Nithsdale over the last few months has been supporting the Tai Chi for Health and Well-being volunteers and also members of the Ann Downing Tai Chi Group by providing training and development which was delivered by members of the Dr Paul Lam team.

The training involved updates for those who have been volunteering for some time and also an opportunity to welcome new volunteers into our Tai Chi initiative.  All who attended received certification which included Arthritis, Diabetes and Seated Tai Chi forms.  

And breathe.......

Well done folks!!